![]() There are some really great product out there and I'm always getting questions about which ones I like and why, so I've created a list of a few of my favorites. Check em out! 1. Aromatherapy from Flower Road- I really love the Ravintsara and the Geranium Bourbon oil. Ravintsara is great for colds and the flu, so I use it in most of my massage sessions to help keep my clients well! Geranium Bourbon oil is one that I personally love and don't usually use in my sessions- it just makes me feel happy- You may catch me diffusing it in my treatment room sometimes to help lift spirits. Contact Michelle for a list of her wonderful oils! 2. Hot packs - This full back pack is my absolute favorite and I use it in every session along with this fabulous neck pack. I highly recommend using heat at home as a way to ease the tension that builds up from all day computer work and stress. 3. Table heater- This is a MUST! There is a physiological reason why people get cold during massage therapy- Body temperature and blood pressure are known to drop when relaxation sets in. I got mine from earthlite. If you're wishing for this heated effect for your bed at home, I've heard they make heated mattress pads these day! I need to go exploring and find one for my bed...but I may never want to get up! 4. Bio Freeze- Biofreeze is a great product and I love the newer formula with arnica added to it. It's refreshing and really takes away the joint and muscular pain- even though it's just temporary. It's great for in between massage sessions or after an intense work out and it doesn't stink like icy/hot or Bengay-YUCK! 5. Comphy co. Sheets- I LOOOOVE these sheets! They are soft, launder extremely well, and they last forever! They feel so luxurious, you'd never know that they were microfiber- yep! These sheets feel like soft, high thread count cotton. If you love them- like most of my clients do, you should look in to getting some for your bed at home! Hope you've enjoyed my little go-to list of goodies. Do you have any favorites you'd like to share? List them in the comment section below!
![]() Happy Monday everyone! I've posted my new professional logo design so that you can check it out. What do you think?? I've been getting a few questions about Gaia and what it means lately because I've been showing it off so I thought I would include that information in this blog. There has been confusion in the past where people thought Gaia was my name which is understandable but It's not! :) Gaia is known as the goddess of the Earth in Greek mythology. When I first started to think about what I wanted my private practice to be like, I tried to get really clear on what it was that I wanted people to feel from their experience with my massage. Gaia encompassed all that and more. "Mother Earth" is my muse that inspires me to offer nurturing massage sessions in an earth friendly environment. Yep! Earth Friendly! My table, my linens...I use natural oil- (It's a special blend that is water soluble so it's not greasy!) not lotions which can have some really scary ingredients sometimes! I really love the new design- I think it looks clean and classy and I love the little details that give it an earthly vibe. YES! 2013 is on a roll... I'm excited to announce that I will be hosting a Fijian massage class for Licensed massage therapists in February! I will also be learning this barefoot modality and can't wait to offer it as a style on my massage menu. Christyn Rittenhouse from Rockford Illinois will be coming to my office to teach this technique! Fijian (from the island of Fiji) is another style that is done with the therapists feet and is delicious deep and really gets to the problem areas. One of the things that the founder of this modality ( Lolita Knight ) says is: "The therapist can deliver the deepest of pressure and amazing tissue engagement causing fast endorphin release for a wonderfully relaxing effect. " I really love this explanation of why this type of work (barefoot massage) feels GOOOOOD! DEEP but not painful like sometime more traditional deep tissue styles can be. ![]() Here's a few more logos for your viewing pleasure! What do you think of the new logo???
I wanna Know :) Leave you're comments for me! HEY! have you Liked my Facebook Page??? There's a real party going on over there! ![]() I'm usually writing about massage therapy or some type of "alternative health" treatment. Lately, I've been getting monthly acupuncture treatments from the lovely Audra Whatley of Audrawhatley.com In the beginning, I really didn't know what to expect. Many clients were asking me what my thoughts were about the effectiveness of acupuncture or if I knew anyone who did it and I could never give them any feedback because I'd never tried it. I casually asked on Facebook for a reference and I got a glowing one from a friend. She said "Audra is the BEST." With those words, I knew i had to try it out. My first few treatments were great but now I'm really starting to notice BIG shifts. Starting about three months ago, I went in to see Audra with a major crick in my neck. An hour after my session, It had vanished- TOTALLY. I was super impressed! Yesterday, I turned thirty and decided to get a little acupuncture for my birthday. Some major emotional purging happened during my session.... I always feel awkward crying or being vulnerable in front of others, but Audra made me feel like it was totally normal and I felt supported to let it out and get rid of the crap that wanted to come up. Let's face it, The "ugly cry" is very humbling but much needed sometimes. haha! whew! I'm glad I got that out of my system. Then, later last evening, I was talking to my husband and my chronically locked up jaw magically adjusted mid sentence. It was a huge and amazingly wonderful relief of tension. So, if you're wondering about what acupuncture can do for you, you should give Audra a visit. I know I will be getting it done regularly because I adore it and it goes so well with my bi- monthly massages. I think my 30's are going to be my healthiest years! ![]() So, What are you're experiences with acupuncture?
I wanna know- Leave your feedback in the comments section! ![]() When I was training to be a yoga Instructor, We talked a lot about Ayurveda ( Ayur- Life; Veda- Knowledge). This ancient form of medicine from India focuses on balancing the three doshas or constitutions that everyone is born with. If one or more of the doshas becomes out of balance, disease may occur. The doshas are called Vata, Pitta, & Kapha and each one corresponds to an earth element. Vata (Air) The Vata dosha controls all movement in the body. The Earth elements that correspond with vata are air and ether. The vata body is thin, prone to anxiety and/or nervousness, constipation, and dry skin. Pitta (Fire & Water)- The Pitta dosha is the energy of heat and metabolism. Earth elements that correspond with pitta are fire and water. The pitta body is medium build, prone to diseases processes of irritation/ inflammation, peptic ulcers, heartburn, and diarrhea. Kapha (Water & Earth)- The Kapha dosha is responsible for structure. Earth elements that correspond with kapha are earth and water. The kapha body is sturdy as these people are very grounded and very nurturing. They are prone to lethargy and obesity. Ayurveda is a complex system with many parts such as cleansing, diet, and plant based medicines given by an Ayurvedic doctor. In my practice, I offer a Shirodhara treatment that came from this ancient healing practice. You can read more about it here What's your dosha? Take the Joyful Belly Dosha Quiz Tell me what you discovered from taking the Quiz in the comments section of this blog!
I wanna know- What's YOUR dosha??? (I'm Pitta) |
October 2024
Dallas Massage Blog is a written journal about Massage Therapy, Wellness, and Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage in the Dallas, Texas area. |