What if we could let go of the expectation that life should be other than what it is? This question really peaked my interest as I sat + listened to one of the presenters at my iRest Yoga Nidra teacher training last summer. Acceptance has been one of the hardest life lessons for me to learn and I'm still very much a student! I love the idea that one day I'll be able to fully accept the unpleasant things that come my way, welcome them + respond to them in the most appropriate + peaceful manner. For now, I practice yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a state of mind in between being awake and sleeping. You may have experienced this in your life. That peaceful place where you're not fully awake yet but your mind is aware of whats happening around you. During the practice of yoga nidra, we enter this in between state of mind and do different meditation exercises. When the meditation ends, I feel a deeper sense of peace. I know I have the ability to create a safe place in side myself where I can visit anytime my life gets too stressful. It's true that we can create a lot of our own struggles just by not accepting what is happening in our lives. Things happen that we have zero control over + we bare the load of self doubt, shame, guilt, + resentments. Over time this wears on the spirit. We are not in control of ourselves + we become reactive instead of responsive. We don't make loving choices + switch over to survival mode from all of the stress + overwhelm. We begin to seek things outside of ourselves to offer us comfort. Living in survival mode 24/7, especially in a big city like Dallas, taxes our physical bodies and wears us down. Choosing to live a life where we are thriving instead of just surviving day to day is much more fulfilling + we have the ability to make real changes for the better because we are thinking clearly + responding from a place of confidence. J teach a weekly iRest Yoga Nidra class. Contact me for more information and updates.
October 2024
Dallas Massage Blog is a written journal about Massage Therapy, Wellness, and Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage in the Dallas, Texas area. |