Let's discuss our complimentary (free!) add-on, Cupping Therapy. Cupping is excellent for people who want to level up their deep tissue massage and enjoy the sensation of Cupping; while it can be intense at times, we can customize the suction to your liking. What are the Benefits of Cupping Therapy?
Why Cupping?At The Heeling Hut Barefoot Massage, we intend to make a lasting change to resolve muscle pain while creating a place where our clients can disconnect from their hectic life for an hour or two. Our goal has always been to support our clients' self-care efforts and elevate their deep tissue massage experience. We know the benefits of cupping first-hand from receiving it ourselves and understand that with massage, cupping therapy can help treat common complaints like neck and back pain, release body tension, and relieve stress. Types of CuppingWe use three styles of cupping therapy at The Healing Hut: Gliding Cupping, Static Cupping, and Dynamic Cupping. Gliding Cupping We use silicone cups to lift and move muscle fibers and connective tissue, increase local circulation, reduce tension and density throughout the fascial line, and relieve pain. Static Cupping Static Cupping is when we "park" the cups and let them do their work for a while (5-20 minutes.) Gliding Cupping usually follows static Cupping, so we can move any stagnant fluid up to the surface during static Cupping, allowing for lymphatic drainage. Dynamic Cupping Dynamic Cupping happens when the cups are stationary, and the client moves through their range of motion with the cup on their body. This technique goes well with our barefoot massage adventure service, which is our take on "sports massage" and "stretch therapy", barefoot massage style! What to expect During cupping therapyDuring Cupping, your massage therapist will choose static, gliding, or dynamic techniques to reach the goals of your session. Discoloration may occur in areas where the cups were placed. Clients typically experience a feeling of relaxation and release of tension in the targeted areas after the service. AuthorBy Hillary Arrieta, Owner and LMT at The Heeling Hut Barefoot Massage.
October 2024
Dallas Massage Blog is a written journal about Massage Therapy, Wellness, and Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage in the Dallas, Texas area. |