Deep Tissue and Sports Massage fans rave! Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage massage is the real deal.Barefoot massage is quickly becoming the new go-to massage technique for people looking for a unique and effective way to alleviate stress and tension. This innovative massage technique is gaining popularity across the world due to its ability to provide deep tissue work while also being gentle and relaxing.
Barefoot massage is a technique that involves the therapist using their feet to apply pressure to the body. This is done with the help of bars that are mounted on the ceiling. The therapist uses their feet to apply pressure to the client's body, which helps to improve circulation, reduce tension, and alleviate pain. The technique is particularly effective for people who suffer from chronic pain and tension in their muscles. It can help to increase flexibility and range of motion, and can also help to reduce the risk of injury. "Barefoot massage is a game-changer when it comes to relaxation and pain relief," said Hillary Arrieta, the leading Barefoot massage therapist and instructor in Plano, Texas. "It offers a unique and effective way to reduce stress and tension, and it's quickly becoming one of the most popular deep tissue massage techniques out there." Many students travel from all over the nation to learn this style at The Heeling Hut. Hillary is the North Texas instructor for the Center for Barefoot Massage. If you love deep tissue massage and you're looking for a new way to unwind, or if you suffer from chronic pain and tension in your muscles, barefoot massage could be the solution. Contact The Heeling Hut Barefoot Massage and Wellness today to schedule a session and experience the benefits of this innovative technique for yourself. You can book a session and learn more about training at
By Hillary Arrieta This year, I joined the teaching crew at the Center for Barefoot Massage. Since January I've been working my soles off and taking a deep dive in to Ashiatsu. Even though I've already trained for years in this technique, This process showed me that I'd barely scratched the surface. There's so much to refine, and polish before I could bring Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage classes to Dallas. I've been lucky enough to have Strong mentors and students who teach me the intricate details of my work. When you teach, you learn too. September was my final teacher evaluation in the teacher training program and I had it in my brand new teaching studio. It's small but MIGHTY!! I'm so grateful to the students who challenged themselves physically and mentally through this three day workshop to learn or fine tune their skills. I'll be teaching a semi-monthly Ashiatsu classes here in DFW for 2018 and I'll be adding some new barefoot massage modalities and workshops to the training schedule in 2019. I've been wanting to bring more barefoot massage to Dallas and to the North Texas area for a long time and it's finally happening. Trainings are open to any licensed massage therapist. Find out more at on our Texas Ashiatsu training website.
Traveling to Dallas for a Workshop? |
Center For Barefoot Massage FasciAshi Students General Suggestions. You will be getting 2 hours of deep tissue massage each day so please prepare yourself by getting some bodywork before class. Class isn't the time to work out your tissue issues and if you're not prepared, you may have some mild adverse reactions to so much deep work over so little time. Hydration, stretching, working on foot dorsiflexion and mobility as well as hip, knee, leg strength/mobility will give you more confidence during your workshop. See the full guide for all the details. |
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